
Becoming took place in two Galleries simultaneously ( Pygmalion and the Underground), featuring an action sculpture event called ‘The Other’ on Museum Night of 2016. The artwork rekindled the technique used by the artist in the first part of her career, the vails. This iteration saw colored and inscribed vails and the use of LED light within the artwork.

The theme of the exhibition is the entry and exit of the soul, in the confines of time, but having in mind infinity; or in other words, the dynamics between 4 main actors: birth, death, time and the soul. The sculptural works are in organic collaboration with texts written by Fr. Constantin Necula, Romeo Petrasciuc, Dr. Linda Saskia Menczel, as well as quotes from older and newer saints.

In order to bring the public into the inner sanctum of the sculpture process, The Other was a live-action sculpture in which art lovers witnessed the creation of a sculptural life-size ansamble. The one-hour process used live models, one of them being the artist’s son. An ‘action sculpture’ during Museum Night demonstrated a casting of two young people, and it spoke about the dynamic relationship between man and woman.


Devenire – catalog expoziČ›ional